Which FDA Good Clinical Practice Course to Choose in 2024

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training: Essential for ethical clinical research. Discover top FDA GCP courses for 2024, enhancing expertise and ensuring compliant, high-quality studies. Learn key selection criteria.
July 18, 2024
Did you know that in 2022, the FDA received over 26,000 Investigational New Drug (IND) applications, highlighting the critical need for robust Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training?

Understanding Good Clinical Practice (GCP) principles is crucial for anyone involved in clinical research. It not only ensures the ethical conduct of studies and the protection of human subjects but also enhances your credibility and career prospects in the field. By mastering GCP, you'll position yourself as a valuable asset in the competitive world of clinical trials.

In this blog, you'll discover the top FDA GCP courses available in 2024, their key features, and how to select the best one for your specific needs. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or new to clinical trials, this information will empower you to make an informed decision, boosting your expertise and enabling you to conduct compliant, high-quality research that stands out in the industry.

Key takeaways:

  • GCP fundamentals: Understand the principles that form the backbone of ethical clinical research, ensuring you're well-equipped to handle complex study protocols
  • FDA's regulatory role: Learn how the FDA regulates clinical trials to maintain high standards, helping you navigate regulatory requirements with confidence
  • Course options: Discover various FDA GCP courses tailored to different roles and experience levels, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your career stage
  • Selection criteria: Identify the key factors to consider when choosing your ideal course, ensuring you invest in training that aligns with your professional goals
  • Top courses compared: Get an in-depth look at leading FDA GCP courses and their unique benefits, helping you make the most informed choice for your development
  • Practical application: Learn how to implement GCP knowledge in your daily research activities, enhancing the quality and compliance of your studies
  • Continuous learning: Understand why staying updated is crucial in the dynamic field of clinical research, keeping you at the forefront of industry best practices

What are FDA Good Clinical Practice (GCP) courses?

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is the international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording, and reporting clinical trials involving human subjects. FDA GCP courses are comprehensive training programmes designed to educate researchers, sponsors, and other stakeholders on these crucial standards and FDA regulations.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plays a pivotal role in overseeing clinical trials to ensure the safety and efficacy of investigational drugs, biological products, and medical devices. FDA Regulation of Clinical Trials is essential for maintaining the quality and reliability of clinical research in the United States.

FDA GCP courses typically cover key components including:

  • FDA regulations and ICH GCP guidelines
  • Investigator and sponsor obligations
  • New drug development processes
  • Ethical principles and participant protection
  • Protocol development and adherence
  • Informed consent processes
  • Safety reporting and adverse event management
  • Data integrity and documentation practices
  • Auditing, monitoring, and regulatory inspections

The importance of staying up-to-date with FDA GCP training cannot be overstated:

  1. Regulatory compliance: Ensures adherence to the latest FDA requirements
  2. Best practices: Keeps researchers informed about emerging industry standards
  3. Career advancement: Enhances professional credentials in clinical research
  4. Quality assurance: Maintains high standards of research integrity and participant safety

When choosing an FDA Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course, consider factors such as:

  • ICH GCP compliance and mutual recognition
  • Language availability for diverse research teams
  • Target audience specificity (e.g., coordinators, investigators)
  • Organizational subscription options and pricing
  • Recognition by regulatory bodies and leading organisations

FDA GCP Resources offer valuable guidance on Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs), which are crucial for GCP compliance.

Bottom line: FDA GCP courses are essential for ensuring compliance and quality in clinical research, providing researchers with the knowledge to conduct ethical and effective studies. By offering comprehensive training on regulatory requirements and ethical standards, these courses play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of clinical trials and protecting study participants.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an FDA GCP Course

When selecting an FDA Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course for 2024, consider these crucial factors to ensure you choose the most suitable option:

  1. Course content and comprehensiveness: Look for courses that cover essential topics such as FDA regulations, investigator and sponsor obligations, new drug development, adverse event reporting, and auditing and monitoring expectations. A comprehensive course should provide in-depth knowledge on study design, protocol adherence, and data management.
  2. ICH GCP compliance and mutual recognition: Ensure the course meets the Minimum Criteria for ICH GCP Investigator Site Personnel Training and aligns with ICH GCP compliance standards. This compliance protects trial subjects, ensures credible data, and often provides mutual recognition among trial sponsors, saving time and resources.
  3. Language availability and accessibility: Choose courses that offer multiple language options to cater to diverse research teams. Consider the format (online, in-person, or blended) that best suits your schedule and learning style.
  4. Target audience and role-specific training: Select courses designed for specific roles and responsibilities within the research team, such as clinical research coordinators, investigators, and key study personnel. Role-specific training ensures you receive the most relevant information for your responsibilities.
  5. Organizational subscription options and pricing: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of individual versus organizational subscriptions. Some providers offer bulk pricing or enterprise solutions that may be more economical for larger teams or organizations.
  6. Recognition and acceptance by regulatory bodies: Opt for courses recognized and accepted by leading organizations and regulatory bodies, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and FDA. This recognition ensures that the training meets industry standards and will be widely accepted across different research settings.
Bottom line: Selecting the right FDA GCP course requires careful consideration of these various factors to ensure it meets both individual and organizational needs. By evaluating these key aspects, you can choose a course that not only fulfils regulatory requirements but also enhances your understanding and application of Good Clinical Practice principles in your research endeavours for 2024 and beyond.

CITI Program GCP U.S. FDA Basic Course

Are you looking for a comprehensive FDA GCP course? The CITI Program GCP U.S. FDA Basic Course might be just what you need. Let's break it down for you.

This widely-recognized course covers all the essentials:

  • FDA regulations
  • GCP principles
  • Investigator responsibilities
  • New drug development
  • Adverse event reporting

What sets it apart? It's ICH GCP compliant, meeting TransCelerate BioPharma's criteria. This means your training will be recognized across multiple sponsors.

The course is in English and offers flexible learning options - perfect for busy researchers. Whether you're a clinical investigator, study coordinator, or part of a research team involved in FDA-regulated trials, this course has you covered.

Many organizations offer free access through institutional subscriptions. However, if you're an individual learner, be prepared for potential costs.


  • Comprehensive content
  • Widely recognized (including by NIH)
  • Meets international standards


  • Can be time-intensive
  • Potentially costly for individual learners

While the CITI Program course is excellent, we at Whitehall Training also offer Good Clinical Practice (GCP) course that might better suit your needs. Our courses are designed to be concise and engaging, tailored to specific roles in clinical research.

Bottom line: The CITI Program GCP U.S. FDA Basic Course is a solid choice for comprehensive FDA GCP training, especially if your organization provides access. However, we'd encourage you to explore our offerings for a more tailored learning experience that might better fit your specific needs and schedule.

FDA Good Clinical Practice Educational Materials

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) offers an extensive collection of GCP Educational Materials designed to support researchers, sponsors, and other stakeholders in the clinical trial process. These resources are crucial for understanding and implementing Good Clinical Practice (GCP) principles in research activities.

The FDA's educational materials include:

  • Detailed guidelines
  • Regulatory comparisons
  • In-depth explanations of FDA regulations

Key topics covered:

  • Investigator responsibilities
  • Informed consent processes
  • Safety reporting
  • Protocol compliance
  • New drug development
  • Auditing and monitoring expectations

Accessibility and cost:

  • All materials are freely available on the FDA's website
  • No cost barrier, making them accessible to organisations of all sizes

Advantages of using official FDA resources:

  1. Information directly from the regulatory authority, ensuring accuracy and reliability
  2. Regular updates reflecting the latest changes in regulations and best practices
  3. Comprehensive coverage of essential GCP topics

Potential limitations:

  • Technical language may require background knowledge
  • May not address every specific scenario encountered in research

Effective use of these materials for GCP training:

  1. Integrate into a structured learning programme
  2. Start with basic concepts and progress to more complex topics
  3. Supplement with practical examples and case studies
  4. Use alongside other training methods for a more interactive experience

While these resources are invaluable, they work best when combined with other training approaches. Our GCP courses, for instance, offer a more interactive and comprehensive learning experience, helping you apply FDA guidelines effectively in your research.

Bottom line: FDA Good Clinical Practice Educational Materials provide authoritative information directly from the source, offering valuable insights into regulations and guidelines. They serve as an essential foundation for anyone involved in clinical research, ensuring a solid grounding in GCP principles and compliance with FDA regulations. However, for a more comprehensive understanding, consider supplementing these materials with structured courses that offer practical application and interactive learning experiences.

FDA Regulations Relating to Good Clinical Practice and Clinical Trials

The FDA Regulation Overview is an indispensable resource for understanding the regulatory framework governing clinical trials. This comprehensive collection of guidelines and regulations forms the bedrock for ensuring the safety and efficacy of investigational drugs, biological products, and medical devices in clinical research.

The FDA regulations encompass a broad spectrum of topics crucial to Good Clinical Practice (GCP), including:

  • Human subject protection
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements
  • Informed consent processes
  • Investigator responsibilities
  • Sponsor obligations
  • Adverse event reporting
  • Auditing and monitoring expectations

To navigate these regulations effectively:

  1. Start by familiarising yourself with the table of contents
  2. Utilise the search function to locate specific topics efficiently
  3. Pay close attention to cross-references, as they provide additional context and related requirements

The benefits of referring to primary regulatory sources are significant:

  • Ensures access to the most up-to-date and accurate information
  • Provides the full context of regulatory requirements
  • Allows for a deeper understanding of the rationale behind specific regulations
  • Facilitates compliance with ICH GCP standards

However, interpreting regulatory language can be challenging due to its dense text and legal terminology. To overcome this:

  • Take time to read carefully and thoroughly
  • Consult with colleagues or regulatory experts when uncertain
  • Attend training sessions or webinars focused on regulatory interpretation
  • Consider the target audience and specific roles within your research team

To aid understanding and ensure comprehensive coverage, consider using complementary resources such as:

  • FDA guidance documents
  • Industry association guidelines
  • Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (RAPS) publications
  • ICH GCP guidelines

When selecting GCP courses or resources, consider factors such as organisational subscription options, pricing, and recognition by leading institutions like the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Bottom line: Direct access to FDA regulations is crucial for in-depth understanding and ensuring full compliance in clinical research. While it may require more effort to digest, mastering these primary sources will provide you with the most comprehensive and reliable foundation for conducting ethical and compliant clinical trials in 2024 and beyond.

Summary: Choosing the Right FDA GCP Course for Compliance and Excellence

In clinical research, staying compliant with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) standards is paramount. FDA GCP courses are essential for ensuring ethical, safe, and high-quality clinical trials. When selecting a course, consider these key factors:

  1. Course content covering FDA regulations and essential topics
  2. ICH GCP compliance for mutual recognition among trial sponsors
  3. Language availability for diverse research teams
  4. Target audience specificity for different roles
  5. Organizational subscription options and pricing
  6. Recognition by regulatory bodies like the NIH

We've highlighted three top options:

  1. CITI Program GCP U.S. FDA Basic Course: Comprehensive, widely recognized, and ICH GCP compliant. Ideal for larger institutions seeking a thorough training program.
  2. FDA Good Clinical Practice Educational Materials: Provides direct access to regulatory information and comparisons with HHS regulations.
  3. FDA Regulations Relating to GCP and Clinical Trials: Offers crucial guidelines, including Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures (21 CFR Part 11) and Protection of Human Subjects (21 CFR Part 50).

Choose based on your specific needs. Smaller teams or individual researchers might find FDA materials more suitable.

To implement GCP training effectively:

  1. Assess your organisation's specific needs
  2. Select an appropriate training program
  3. Schedule regular training sessions
  4. Foster ongoing learning and discussion
  5. Maintain records of completed training

For continuous learning, explore FDA Workshops and Meetings and refer to resources like the FDA Guidance on GCP.

Remember, while FDA regulations are crucial, ICH GCP E6 Requirements often have broader implications, particularly regarding confidentiality of medical records and other trial aspects.

Prioritising GCP training is about fostering a culture of excellence in clinical research. By investing in comprehensive GCP education, you're ensuring the highest standards of patient safety and data integrity in your clinical trials. Make GCP training a cornerstone of your research practice to elevate the quality and impact of your work in the field.


  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (n.d.). FDA Regulation of Clinical Trials. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved August 16, 2023, from https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/center-drug-evaluation-and-research-cder/good-clinical-practice
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (n.d.). FDA Good Clinical Practice Educational Materials. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved August 16, 2023, from https://www.fda.gov/science-research/clinical-trials-and-human-subject-protection/good-clinical-practice-educational-materials
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (n.d.). FDA Guidance on GCP. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved August 16, 2023, from https://www.fda.gov/media/93884/download
  • CFP International. (n.d.). Understanding Good Clinical Practice and How to Become GCP Compliant. Retrieved August 16, 2023, from https://www.cfpie.com/understanding-good-clinical-practice-and-how-to-become-gcp-compliant

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